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Постійне посилання на фондhttps://dspace.cusu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/59
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Документ Professional Training of Masters of Technological Education in Pedagogical Higher Education Institute(2021) Абрамова, Оксана Віталіївна; Abramova, O.; Yashchuk, S.; Gurevych, R.; Gusak, L.; Pronikova, I.; Manoilenko, N.(en) The transition of higher pedagogical school to a continuous education system involves updating the content, forms and methods of professional training of masters as specialists of the highest qualification level, who in the future will join scientists from various fields of science and teaching staff of universities, colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums and more. The purpose - on the basis of the integral scientific analysis to develop theoretical and methodical bases of research, to substantiate and experimentally check pedagogical system of professional training of masters of technological education. In the course of the research a complex of pedagogical conditions of professional training of future teachers of technological education in the process of master's degree is singled out. 531 undergraduates of experimental and control groups took part in the experiment, 266 of them were involved in the formative stage. The results of experimental data were processed according to the methods of Arkhangelsky (1980) (determination of a sufficient representative sample of students), Kyveryalg (1980) (determination of arithmetic mean, variance), Novikov (2005) (verification of the probability of the obtained results), which made it possible compare the indicators of the formation of levels of professional and pedagogical competence of masters of technological education before and after the experiment. As a result of experimental work, undergraduates of the experimental group showed higher levels of professional and pedagogical competence than in the control. The results of the experiment showed that the effectiveness of the author's pedagogical system of vocational training for masters of technological education is sufficient, and the general strategy of the proposed pedagogical system of vocational training is innovative, expedient and deserving widespread implementation in higher pedagogical educational institutions that train future teachers in the specialty "Technological education".