Перегляд за Ключові слова "h-index"
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Документ Analysis of key factors of influence on scientometric indicators of higher educational institutions of Ukraine(2021) Акбаш, Катерина Сергіївна; Пасічник, Наталя Олексіївна; Ріжняк, Ренат Ярославович; Akbash, K.; Pasichnyk, N.; Rizhniak, R.(en) In the article, the authors set out to determine the degree of influence of factors (the university's profile, the year of its foundation, the number of scientific and pedagogical staff, the population of the city in which the educational institution is located) on the indicators of the publishing activity rating of teachers of Ukrainian universities in Ukraine (according to the Hirsch index, which determined by the indicators of the SciVerse Scopus database). One-way analysis of variance and multiple regression models were used for this. As a result, the influence of all the proposed factors was revealed, although the degree of influence for each of them turned out to be different. The article also determines the degree of influence of these factors on the operational indicator of scientific activity of teachers - the number of citations in 2018-2019 of articles in 2018 per teacher. In this case, the same methods revealed the influence of only two factors - the profile of the university and the number of scientific and pedagogical staff. Conclusions are drawn about the need for building university rankings using operational (rather than cumulative) indicators of scientific activity and the importance of taking into account the profile of educational institutions by introducing weighting factors.