Перегляд за Автор "Bielikova, Valentyna"
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Документ Aesthetic Education of Young People As a Necessary Condition for Cultural Development of the Individual in Modern Conditions of the Information Society(2022) Шевцова, Олена Борисівна; Shevtsova, Olena; Tiutiunnyk, Mariia; Bosyi, Oleksandr; Zharovska, Olena; Patsaliuk, Iryna; Bielikova, Valentyna; Kuchai, Tetiana(en) The article reveals the problems of aesthetic education of young people as a necessary condition for the cultural development of the individual in the modern conditions of the information society. Aesthetic education should contribute to the formation of a creatively active personality. The basis of aesthetic education of young people in the modern conditions of the information society is the core of artistic culture – art as a unique form of public consciousness that contributes to the spiritual development and improvement of the inner world of a person. The main tasks of aesthetic education are highlighted. It is focused on the formation The formation of true aesthetic and spiritual values of students is impossible without a deep awareness of the national foundations of culture, which combines science (including technology), education, art, morality, way of life and worldview, and most importantly its information component – information culture. The effectiveness of aesthetic education of students largely depends on the skillful use of various methods and means by teachers. Aesthetic education of students involves a qualitative change in the level of their aesthetic culture in the modern conditions of the information society. In the era of information and computer technologies, the main Institute for aesthetic education of young people, as a necessary condition for the cultural development of the individual, is mass media. Television stands out especially because it has several information series (audio and video sequence), multiplied by the efficiency of providing information that increases several times compared to paper media, which allows you to report directly during the event.Документ Aesthetic Education of Young People As a Necessary Condition for Cultural Development of the Individual in Modern Conditions of the Information Society(2022) Шевцова, Олена Борисівна; Shevtsova, O.; Tiutiunnyk, M.; Bosyi, O.; Zharovska, O.; Patsaliuk, I.; Bielikova, Valentyna; Kuchai, T.(en) The article reveals the problems of aesthetic education of young people as a necessary condition for the cultural development of the individual in the modern conditions of the information society. Aesthetic education should contribute to the formation of a creatively active personality. The basis of aesthetic education of young people in the modern conditions of the information society is the core of artistic culture – art as a unique form of public onsciousness that contributes to the spiritual development and improvement of the inner world of a person. The main tasks of aesthetic education are highlighted. It is focused on the formation of aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic behavior of the individual. The formation of true aesthetic and spiritual values of students is impossible without a deep awareness of the national foundations of culture, which combines science (including technology), education, art, morality, way of life and worldview, and most importantly its information component – information culture. The effectiveness of aesthetic education of students largely depends on the skillful use of various methods and means by teachers. Aesthetic education of students involves a qualitative change in the level of their aesthetic culture in the modern conditions of the information society. In the era of information and computer technologies, the main Institute for aesthetic education of young people, as a necessary condition for the cultural development of the individual, is mass media. Television stands out especially because it has several information series (audio and video sequence), multiplied by the efficiency of providing information that increases several times compared to paper media, which allows you to report directly during the event.