Капітан, Тетяна АнатоліївнаKapitan, Tetiana Anatoliivna2021-06-022021-06-022021Капітан Т. А. Комунікативна спрямованість освітнього процесу в навчанні іноземних мов / Тетяна Анатоліївна Капітан // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки = Research Bulletin. Series: Philological Sciences / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2021. – Вип. 192. – С. 77-80.https://dspace.cusu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3693(ua) У статті розглянуто комунікативну спрямованість освітнього процесу; комунікативний метод та його принципи; іншомовну комунікативну компетенцію учнів; комунікативний підхід під час вивчення іноземних мов; принцип комунікативної (мовленнєвої) спрямованості навчання; провідну технологію навчання іноземних мов; основні принципи сучасних методів; пошук нових форм та методів організації освітнього процесу.(en) Today there is an increase in the number of people willing to learn English, which is due to the desire to communicate fluently with foreigners, get an education abroad, read foreign literature, watch foreign channels, communicate online, find high-paying jobs in Ukraine and develop comprehensively. A welldeveloped personality has a better ability to learn something new, feels free and more confident in communicating with other people, as perfect command of English has recently become an integral skill of modern educated people. It is known that language knowledge and relevant speaking skills form the language competence of students; regional, country and linguistic knowledge - socio-cultural and sociolinguistic competence; speaking skills - speaking competence of students. All the types of competences form students' foreign language communicative competence, the development of which is especially important in foreign language teaching. The speed and quality of the formation of communicative competence largely depend on the level of the formation of students' general educational competence. Nowadays one of the dominant methods of foreign languages teaching is communicative. The main purpose of the communicative method is to teach students to communicate with interlocutors. This method harmoniously combines many methods and ways of teaching foreign languages, so it is the basis for the evolution of various educational methods. In the process of learning by this method, students develop communicative competence - the ability to use the language depending on the specific situation. They develop the skill of communication during the communication. According to this aspect, all the exercises and tasks must be communicatively justified by the lack of information, choice and reaction. Communicatively oriented learning task encourages students to work, because it evokes a sense of achievement, confidence, creates a joyful and pleasant atmosphere of learning, promotes a sense of responsibility, expands interests, ensures the use of information from other school subjects. The experience has shown that language material is easier to learn in this way than learning isolated words and grammar rules. The communicative approach is aimed at organizing the learning process, adequate to real communication, because it involves modeling the basic patterns of communication. Communicative (speaking) orientation means that when mastering speaking material (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar), the final step is to demonstrate how the speaking material intended for study can be used to achieve relevant communication in a foreign language.ukкомунікативна спрямованістькомунікативний методкомунікативний підхідкомунікативні компетенціїміжкультурна комунікаціякомунікаціяметоди навчанняcommunicative orientationcommunicative method and approachcommunicative competenciesintercultural communicationКомунікативна спрямованість освітнього процесу в навчанні іноземних мовThe communicative orientation of the educational process in the teaching of foreign languagesArticle