Капітан, Тетяна АнатоліївнаКапитан, Татьяна АнатольевнаKapitan, Tetiana Anatoliivna2017-02-242017-02-242017Kapitan Т. А. Game as a means of active learning cognitive activity in english lessons / Tetiana Anatoliivna Kapitan // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017. – Вип. 150. – С. 68-71.https://dspace.cusu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2217(uk): В статі розглядається рольова гра як ефективний засіб навчання, який охоплює різні види мовленнєвої діяльності (слухання, говоріння, читання та письмо) на уроках англійської мови, а також вона є необхідним компонентом уроку на початковому етапі навчання.(ru) В статье рассматривается ролевая игра как эффективное средство обучения, которое охватывает различные виды речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение и письмо) на уроках английского языка, а также она является необходимым компонентом урока на начальном этапе обучения.(en) The article discusses role playing as an effective learning tool, which covers various types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in English classes, and that it is a necessary component of the lesson at the initial stage of learning. Game at lessons of a foreign language helps to improve the efficiency of the educational process, develops the ability of students to be fluent in the language, and also gives educational communication communicative focus and strengthens the motivation of foreign language learning. At the initial stage it is very important that the teacher created in the lesson of a foreign language favourable psychological climate and promote children to study the subject. A special place in foreign language teaching has a role-playing game. Roleplay is one of the effective means of solving the problem of foreign language communication teaching. As the use of role-playing games give an opportunity to enhance the educational process. According to many teachers, this game has great educational value. During the role play consciousness, discipline, mutual support, ability to defend their point of view are raised. When using role-playing it is necessary to consider the age characteristics of pupils As we know, the success of holding the game depends entirely on the teacher, his professionalism, experience, communication skills and organizational skills. We believe that the teacher should organize the game, familiarize students with it and interest. Then in our opinion the teacher needs to create in class an atmosphere of trust so that students were confident in their own abilities and succeeded in reaching the goal. The teacher controls the action correctness of participants of the game and celebrates the best performance of the roles and typical mistakes with the pupils. It should also be noted that during the game it is not necessary to correct the mistakes but just record them so at the next lesson you can discuss them. It is especially good when teachers use at the lessons of foreign language visual aids, toys, games. Because greatly designed and held, game facilitates learning and also consolidation of linguistic material in phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and reading.enрольова граінтерактивна формаефективність навчального процесузасіб пізнавальної діяльностікомунікативна спрямованістькомунікативна компетенціядосвідпрофесіоналізмролевая играинтерактивная формаэффективность учебного процессасредство познавательной деятельностикоммуникативная направленностькоммуникативная компетенціяопытпрофессионализмrole-playing gamean interactive formthe efficiency of the educational processa means of cognitive activitycommunicative orientationcommunication competenceexperience and professionalismGame as a means of active learning cognitive activity in english lessonsИгра как способ активной учебно-познавательной деятельности на уроках английского языкаГра як засіб активної навчально-пізнавальної діяльності на уроках англійської мовиArticle