Клюєнко, Едуард ОлександровичВоронкова, Валентина ГригорівнаНікітенко, Віталіна ОлександрівнаОлексенко, Роман ІвановичАндрюкайтене, РегінаХарченко, Юлія ВолодимирівнаVoronkova, ValentynaNikitenko, VitalinaOleksenko, RomanAndriukaitiene, ReginaKharchenko, JuliaKliuienko, Eduard2023-06-302023-06-302023Kluenko Е. Digital Technology Evolution of the Industrial Revolution From 4G to 5G in the Context of the Challenges of Digital Globalization / Valentyna Voronkova, Vitalina Nikitenko, Roman Oleksenko, Regina Andriukaitiene, Julia Kharchenko, Eduard Kliuienko // TEM Journal. - 2023. - 12(2). Р. 732-742.https://dspace.cusu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4879(ua) The development of a new generation of information technologies and engineering equipment directly affects the path of scientific research and innovation. As a result of these processes, new trends are developing, such as information technology, AI, digital education and medicine, etc. The 4th Industrial Revolution is the result of digital transformation. These processes are the basis for the evolution from the 4th to the 5th industrial revolution. The article analyses the fifth generation of 5G mobile telecommunication systems, which is a new wireless communication standard that will bring significant improvements in the data transfer speed of connecting many devices simultaneously.enDigital technologiessmart manufacturingtechnological innovations4G5GDigital Technology Evolution of the Industrial Revolution From 4G to 5G in the Context of the Challenges of Digital GlobalizationArticle