Анісімов, Микола ВікторовичAnisimov, Mykola Viktorovych2021-07-072021-07-072018Анисимов Н. В. Наглядность в наследии В. А. Сухомлинського и ее применение в профессионально-технических учебных заведениях / Николай Викторович Анисимов // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. - Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2018. - Вип. 171. – С. 23-28.https://dspace.cusu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3762(uk) У статті розглядаються питання необхідності та можливості використання наочного процесу навчання складних електро- і радіотехнічних професій при виконанні лабораторних робіт і обчислювальних операцій. Для посилення наочності в процесі навчання і впливу на зорові аналізатори учня застосовується колірна гама проводів, електричних приладів, панелей уніфікованого лабораторного обладнання та інших елементів у фізичній моделі та електронної версії цього обладнання.(en) In article questions of necessity and possibility of use of evident process of training difficult electro-and radio engineering trades are considered at performance of laboratory works and computing operations. To strengthening of presentation in the course of training and influence on visual analyzers of the pupil it is applied colour din of wires, electric devices, panels of the unified labware and other elements in physical model and the electronic version of this equipment. To the problems of presentation during training much attention is paid. First, it is connected that physiologically our organism is constructed in such a manner that the largest volume of the information is perceived by visual analysers (up to 82%). Application of the means of presentation requires a big scientific and pedagogical readiness of the teacher, knowledge of psychology of the child, teenager trainee, knowledge of process of taking possession of that knowledge. One of the most important situations which underlie the organisation of process of training, there is presentation principle. J. А. Komenskij named his «gold rule2 of didactics, according to which in training it is necessary to use all sense organs of the person. He noted that “if we are going to spread in trainee true and reliable knowledges, then we should aspire to teach in general to all through personal observation and sensual presentation». The presentation principle is one of the most known and intuitively clear principles of the training, used with ancient times. The natural substantiation of the given principle is received rather recently. At the heart of it the following strictly fixed scientific laws lay: sense organs of the person possess different sensitivity to external stimuli. At the majority of people the greatest sensitivity bodies of sight which «pass» in a brain almost in 5 times more information, than ears, and almost in 13 times more, than tactile bodies possess. Very big attention was paid it and by our Vassily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinskij protruding of scientific-practices. In many his(its) works he pointed to necessity to use presentation principle during training. V. А. Sukhomlinskij asserted that «First of all, it is necessary to remember that presentation is a general principle of brainwork of small schoolers. This age law requires thinking of a small child to develop among nature that he sees simultaneously, hears, suffered and thought. «And further V. А. Sukhomlinskij develops his idea, approaching question about individual approach to such children on the part of teacher: «And after all such silent slowcoaches oh as suffer at lessons.The teacher wants the pupil faster to answer question, it little business before child thinks. Let all goes in accordance with their nature, her waters will necessarily reach scheduled border, but you do not hurry, please, be not nervous, do not whip mighty river of birch лозиной mark – nothing will help».. The analysis of scientific publications under the theory of presentation of training allows to ascertain, that the majority of researches is directed on the contradiction permission between didactic possibilities of the various evident means applied in the course of training of pupils, and that as they are realised by teachers in pedagogical activity at studying of separate disciplines.ukлабораторні роботипринцип наочностіфізичне моделюванняелектронне моделюванняуніфіковане лабораторне обладнаннялабораторные работыпринцип наглядностифизическое моделированиеэлектронное моделированиеунифицированное лабораторное оборудованиеlaboratory worksa presentation principlephysicthe unified labwareal modellingthe electronic modellingНаглядность в наследии В. А. Сухомлинського и ее применение в профессионально-технических учебных заведенияхНаочність у спадщині В. О. Сухомлинського та її застосування в професійно-технічних навчальних закладахPresentation in the heritage of century V. A. Sukhomlinsky and its application in the professional technical educational institutionsArticle