Smirnova, Lina LeonidivnaСмірнова, Ліна Леонідівна2017-05-042017-05-042017Smirnova L. Establishing a proficiency in teaching english for students of non-philological faculties / Lina Smirnova // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки / ред. кол.: О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : Видавець Лисенко В. Ф., 2017. – Вип. 154. – С. 168-172. У статті досліджено важливість співвідношення особистісних рис студентів та ефективних підходів у навчанні англійської мови на немовних факультетах. Було розглянуто ефект занурення. Зроблено акцент на стратегіях та тактиках ефективного поєднання технологічних досягнень та методик викладання англійської мови.(ru) В статье рассмотрена важность соотношения личностных черт студентов и эффективных подходов в обучении английского языка на неязыковых факультетах. Проанализирован эффект погружения. Сделано акцент на стратегиях и тактиках эффективного комбинирования технологических достижений и методик преподавания английского языка.(en) In this article we examined the importance of correlation between students’ personality traits and effective approaches in teaching English to non-philological students. The task is so elaborate and difficult that it must be left to teachers and the learners themselves to reintegrate the many parts into a healthily developing whole. In this respect the importance of personality has been reassessed. Such students’ personality traits as openness, assertiveness, social responsibility and critical reflection were developed. Their definitions were given. It was also pointed out that defined personality traits can have a direct and indirect impacton learning and their role as predictors of our students’ learning English should not be discounted. The importance of relevant skills available and professional skills that are productively integrated in future professional activities was stressed. As far as the issue is concerned the ways teachers can effectively influence acquisition process from methodological point of view were proposed. Immersion experience which helps future specialists connect the language learning to their further professional interests was analyzed. The strategy based on matching technology selection with learning goals and processes, and the tactics for using technological resources and tools effectively for language learning was considered. Special attention was payed tovoice recording web tools as to the explorative approach which is characterised by the use of concordance programs in the languages classroom.enособистісні рисимайбутні спеціалістиефект зануренняаудіо записисамооцінкаличностные чертыбудущие специалистыэффект погруженияаудио записисамооценкаpersonality traitsfuture specialistsimmersion experienceaudio recordingsself-assessmentEstablishing a proficiency in teaching english for students of non-philological facultiesArticle