Анісімов, Микола ВікторовичAnisimov, Mykola Viktorovych2018-05-252018-05-252018Анісімов М. В. Особливості викладання «стандартизації і метрології» у педагогічних університетах / Микола Вікторович Анісімов // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Research Bulletin. Series: Pedagogical Sciences/ ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2018. – Вип. 161. – С. 16-20.https://dspace.cusu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2874(ua) У статті проведений системний аналіз викладання дисциплін «Метрологія», «Стандартизація, сертифікація й керування якістю продукції» у вищих навчальних закладах. Виділені особливості викладання цих дисциплін у педагогічних навчальних закладах. Обґрунтована й практично перевірена нова технологія навчання «метрології й стандартизації» за професією «Технологічна освіта». Розроблено й видано новий навчальний посібник для студентів і викладачів трудового навчання.(en) In article the system analysis of teaching of disciplines «Metrology», «Standardization, certification and product quality control» in higher educational institutions is carried out. Features of teaching of these disciplines in pedagogical educational institutions are allocated. The new technology of training «metrology and standardization» by a trade «Technological formation is proved and checked practically up. The new manual for students and teachers of labour training is developed and published. Prominent feature of standardization consists that sphere of action, scopes and level of its development practically unlimited. There is no field of activity of the person wherever standardization was required. Today in the scientific literature approaches to higher education standardization, theoretical sources of standardization are insufficiently displayed. Improvement of system of branch standards of higher education, the account of negative and positive results of world experience demand. In this connection today there are serious questions to discipline teaching «Standardization, metrology and certification» at the future teachers of «Technological formation» (Labour training). In educational year (2016–2017) discipline «Metrology» has been united with discipline «Standardization, quality management and certification». In 2015–2016 educational year of discipline «Metrology» and «Standardization» were stated separately. In 2015–2016 educational year discipline «Metrology» were stated in quantity: lectures of 8 hours, practical - 18 hours; discipline «Standardization, quality management and certification»: lectures of 20 hours, practical – 16 hours. At the united two different disciplines quantity of hours in 2016–2017 educational year has made: lectures of 18 hours, practical – 16 hours. That is quantity of hours on profile disciplines it has been reduced to 54,8 %. It has extremely negatively affected quality of mastering of a teaching material and finally not mastering of some sections of these disciplines. Very powerful moment of teaching of disciplines «Metrology» and «Standardization» is that these disciplines are based on general educational subjects and their intersubject communications. Infringement of these principles in the course of training leads to the big problems in understanding of that teaching material which is base for the future teachers of labour training. The executed expert estimation of 176 textbooks and manuals in this direction for different types of educational institutions and possibility their use in the course of training of «Metrology» and «Standardization» at students of "Technological formation» was us. Practically all textbooks and manuals are written under one scenario, namely - all text adhered to machinebuilding, building standards and economy. Exceptions have such trades, as electro-and radio engineering. There is no textbook which would be devoted to formation standards. In the course of researches we have come to conclusion, that it is necessary to develop the new program, the textbook, the manual for the future teachers of labour training (that is a full package of documents on new discipline) which will meet today's requirements of a society. It is necessary to dissolve also disciplines «Metrology» and «Standardization», and also to give them the new name: 1) «Metrology in a sphere of education»; 2) «Standardization, quality management certification in a sphere of education».ukметрологіястандартизаціятехнологія навчаннясертифікаціятрудове навчаннятехнология обученияметрологиястандартизациятрудовое обучениесертификацияmetrologylabour trainingcertificationtechnology of trainingstandardizationОсобливості викладання «стандартизації і метрології» у педагогічних університетахОсобенности преподавания «стандартизации и метрологии» в едагогических университетахFeatures of teaching «standardization і metrology» at pedagogical universitiesArticle